At Scribeeo, we specialize in whiteboard explainer videos – dynamic, engaging videos where stories unfold on a whiteboard-style surface, often with voiceover. These videos are perfect for distilling complex ideas into simple, buzzing visuals.

At Scribeeo, we believe in perfection. That’s why we offer unlimited revisions at key stages of production. We’re committed to working with you until your video not only meets but exceeds your expectations, ensuring it creates the maximum buzz.

Our Scribeeo process is thorough: initial consultation, scriptwriting, storyboarding, voiceover recording, and animation, all culminating in a final, buzz-creating video.

Absolutely! At Scribeeo, we encourage your input. Share your script or ideas, and we’ll transform them into a compelling, buzzworthy whiteboard video.


Scribeeo offers competitive pricing based on video length, complexity, and additional custom features. We have packages designed for a range of needs, all ensuring your video creates the right buzz.


Scribeeo’s whiteboard videos are unique due to our custom, hand-drawn illustrations and our knack for crafting narratives that aren’t just heard but felt and remembered.

Definitely! We seamlessly integrate your branding into the video, ensuring each Scribeeo creation resonates with your company’s identity and buzz.


We deliver Scribeeo videos in multiple formats like MP4, AVI, or MOV, perfect for any platform. They’re yours to use and distribute, creating buzz wherever they go.


Typically, a Scribeeo video takes 4-6 weeks to produce. This includes everything from scriptwriting to the final buzzworthy animation, ensuring every detail aligns with your vision.

As a global creative content creation company, Scribeeo uses cutting-edge online collaboration tools. We keep the buzz going, ensuring constant communication and seamless project updates.



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